

Due to high demand we are only accepting applicants who live in Sutton Coldfield (B72-76). All students must be over the age of five years.


What is your relationship to the child?

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Enter your first name.

This field is required

Enter your last name.

This field is required

Enter your phone number.

This field is required

Enter your email address.

This field is required


What is your relationship to the child?

This field is required

Enter your first name.

This field is required

Enter your last name.

This field is required

Enter your phone number.

This field is required

Enter your email address.

This field is required

What is the gender of your child?

This field is required

Enter the child's Date Of Birth.

This field is required

Enter your first name.

This field is required

Enter your last name.

This field is required

Please inform us if the child has any allergies.

This field is required

Does the child require Special Educational Needs (SEN)?

Agree to our Privacy Policy.

Existing student only

Who is their current teacher?

Who is the current Maktab teacher?

This field is required

Maktab fees payment method

Maktab fees payment method used?

This field is required

What is the gender of your child?

This field is required

Enter the child's Date Of Birth.

This field is required

Enter your first name.

This field is required

Enter your last name.

This field is required

Please inform us if the child has any allergies.

This field is required

Does the child require Special Educational Needs (SEN)?

Agree to our Privacy Policy.

Existing student only

Who is their current teacher?

Who is the current Maktab teacher?

This field is required

Maktab fees payment method

Maktab fees payment method used?

This field is required

What is the gender of your child?

This field is required

Enter the child's Date Of Birth.

This field is required

Enter your first name.

This field is required

Enter your last name.

This field is required

Please inform us if the child has any allergies.

This field is required

Does the child require Special Educational Needs (SEN)?

Agree to our Privacy Policy.

Existing student only

Who is their current teacher?

Who is the current Maktab teacher?

This field is required

Maktab fees payment method

Maktab fees payment method used?

This field is required

What is the gender of your child?

This field is required

Enter the child's Date Of Birth.

This field is required

Enter your first name.

This field is required

Enter your last name.

This field is required

Please inform us if the child has any allergies.

This field is required

Does the child require Special Educational Needs (SEN)?

Agree to our Privacy Policy.

Existing student only

Who is their current teacher?

Who is the current Maktab teacher?

This field is required

Maktab fees payment method

Maktab fees payment method used?

This field is required

What is the gender of your child?

This field is required

Enter the child's Date Of Birth.

This field is required

Enter your first name.

This field is required

Enter your last name.

This field is required

Please inform us if the child has any allergies.

This field is required

Does the child require Special Educational Needs (SEN)?

Agree to our Privacy Policy.

Existing student only

Who is their current teacher?

Who is the current Maktab teacher?

This field is required

Maktab fees payment method

Maktab fees payment method used?

This field is required

Enter the first line of your address.

This field is required

Enter the second line of your address.

This field is required

Enter your town or city.

This field is required

* Sutton Coldfield residents only (B72-76)

This field is required

Additional information such as special needs or any existing level of education.

This field is required

You agree to the terms of our Privacy Policy.

Agree to our Privacy Policy.

Important Notice:
It is likely to take several months before a space becomes available. Due to the high level of demand, we are only accepting applicants who live in Sutton Coldfield.

Sutton Coldfield Muslim Association is a UK registered charity (no. 1020820).


Anchorage Road
Sutton Coldfield
West Midlands
B74 2PL
United Kingdom

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